How much of the Bible do you know? How much of it have you read? Have you ever read the entire book ?
As we enter into 2025, Pastor Karl would like to challenge everyone to read the Bible all the way through.
If you've ever attempted to read the Bible from cover to cover, its easy to start in the first Chapter of Genesis with good intentions, but as you get into lengthy genealogies, seemingly endless instructions on construction of the Tabernacle, and expansive details of the Law and sacrificial system, it's easy to give up. But God has so much to say to us in the pages of this wonderful book, and if we don't read the entire thing, we are missing out on what God wants to reveal to us!
Below is a downloadable daily reading plan which enables you to spend time each week in different parts of the Bible so you wont get bogged down in any of the books which might not seem like real page-turners. By following this plan, each week you will read passages from the Epistles, the books of Law, the History writings, the Wisdom texts, the Psalms, the Prophets, and the Gospels. Follow this plan on a daily basis, and you can read the entire Bible in a year!
Let's make this the year when we all commit to reading the Bible all the way through. You will be amazed at what God will reveal to you!